Aesthetic Center Greenville

Breast Lift / Mastopexy in Greenville, South Carolina, by Dr. Sutton Graham

Sep 27, 2009 @ 07:58 PM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Mastopexy South Carolina Georgia North Carolina Breast Augmentation

One of the most common concerns women bring to our practice is sagging or drooping of their breasts. Often they report starting with nice breasts, but time, pregnancies and breast feeding have caused their breasts to loose their once-perky contour. Sometimes, this has been associated with loosing volume in their breasts too.

Down-ward pointing nipples, flattening of the upper contour, loss of upper fullness, hanging skin, etc. We hear about not being able to find attractive bathing suits (needing more support), not being able to wear sundresses or other tops that lack support, looking saggy or older, etc.

Breast lift surgery can be a solution. You achieve more youthful contour, better projection, more upper fullness, and less breast hanging onto your upper ribcage. And the nipples can point forward again. If you have lost volume or want more fullness, a moderate sized breast implant can be added as well. (Known as mastopexy with augmentation)

The procedure is done as an out-patient, with return to work in 4-7 days for most patients. You can resume work-outs in about 3 weeks. Healing takes place over time and scars fade over several months (you can see this in the photo above).

For more information follow the links to our website or our photo gallery.

The Aesthetic Center for Breast & Cosmetic Surgery has an excellent reputation for attractive breast lifts, breast augmentation, breast implants, breast reduction, correction of uneven breasts, and major weight loss (bariatric surgery) breast restoration. We assist patients from South and North Carolina, Georgia, and the surrounding areas. Major cities include Greenville, Asheville, Anderson, Spartanburg, Columbia, and Greenwood.