Aesthetic Center Greenville

Top 5 Male Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Aug 9, 2019 @ 06:27 AM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Top 5 Male Cosmetic Surgery Eyelid Male Breast Gynecomastia Facelift

The 5 most common men's cosmetic plastic surgery procedures nationwide: (total and % change from 2000).  Actually I showed 6 because we do not offer rhinoplasty or hair replacement.

Among our male patients facelift, forehead lift, prominent ear correction are also common procedures.  These trends are from the American Society of Plastic Surgery national statistics for 2018.  Our practice contributes data to the organization to compile the statistics.  We have not seen comparable decreases in eyelid, facelift or lipo treatments for men. 

Non-invasive procedures have greatly increased in those years.  Men chose neuromodulators such as Botox 450,000 times, a 380% increase from 2000.  Soft-tissue fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane totaled 100,000 for men, a 100% increase.  We perform thousands of facial injectable procedures yearly, including hundreds for men, and this has grown tremendously.  More than one billion dollars were spent on Botox and fillers in 2018 alone.  The ASPS statistics do not reflect the great increase in non-invasive body contouring (CoolSculpting). 

Look at a recent past blog post about women's cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatments, too.