Aesthetic Center Greenville

Lifting the Lip

Jun 10, 2020 @ 10:09 AM — by Dr. Sutton Graham
Tagged with: Lip Lift Sub Nasal Bullhorn Vermillion Show


Lip enhancement is often about injectable fillers, with beautiful results when done well.  However there are times when a woman's lip can look more beautiful by a lip lift procedure.  This shortens the amount of skin between the nose and the pink (vermillion) of the lip, and may turn out or evert the vermillion, making it more visible.  It is ideal for a woman whose upper lip skin is proportionately too long.  This does not require any implant or filler, but is a minor surgical procedure than can be done under local anesthesia in about an hour.  It does not need regular maintanence.  The incision follows the contours of the nostrils meeting the lip skin, hiding the scar effectively.  The procedure can also be done during a facelift or eyelid tuck (blepharoplasty). 

This image shows a patient four months after the procedure.  Notice how much the general proportions have improved and how the lip border and vermillion look nicer.  If you're interested, e-mail or call us.