Body Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty: Case 4 (10232)
This 23 year old woman had successfully lost over 60 pounds which left her with looseness of the abdomen. The hanging skin and fat, both above and below her umbilicus, detracted from her success. She consulted with Dr. Graham having know our prior patients, and working with knowledgeable doctors. She initially requested liposuction, and he discussed this with her as well as dermolipectomy. That included the surgical removal of skin and fat from the lower abdomen, but not a full abdominoplasty. It would not interfere with future pregnancies. She chose the latter. Surgery was done as a out-patient in our office surgical facility, with MD anesthesia. She was off medications and returned to work quickly. She protected to umbilical and low abdominal incisions from UV light while tanning (pale around belly button). She said this was "the best chioce I ever made. I hope you are as proud of your work as I am." (We all are.) A few weeks postop, she told us the good news that she was engaged to be married. The wedding photos looked even better.
Patient Profile
- Age
- 23
- Weight
- 190
- Height
- 5' 7"
- Gender
- Female
- Surgical Technique
- Dermolipectomy (abdominoplasty without muscle tightening), minimal liposuction contouring of hips
- Testimonial
- See description